Cross the finish line of your next race feeling strong and confident

10k Your Way is a 6-week group training program for women who want an easy-to-follow running, nutrition and recovery plan that will take them from unsure to race-ready.


Raise your hand āœ‹ for every statement that sounds like you...


āœ‹ You don't believe that you can complete a 10k since you're "not a runner".

āœ‹ You have tried other programs and they weren't a good fit because they were either boring, too advanced, cookie cutter, or not personal enough.

āœ‹ You have tried to find other trainers to work with but they were too busy or their schedule didn't work for you.

āœ‹ You are sick of of starting over again and again with your training.

āœ‹ You are feeling confused of just running without a purpose.

āœ‹ You are getting injured during your training.

āœ‹ You are tired of not making yourself and your training a priority.

āœ‹ You want more specific training to help you to achieve your goals.

Imagine what you could accomplish if...  

āœØ You have a training plan that has every workout laid out for you and it doesn’t leave you guessing.

āœØ You are balancing your runs, strength training and recovery in a way that you are hitting your workouts and feeling confident in your training and not dreading it.

āœØ You signed up for a race and are actually excited for it. 

āœØ You are walking up to the starting line of your next race knowing that you had put in the hard work and will have a fun time racing. 

AND you have a personal coach to keep you accountable every step of the way.

Your time should be spent getting your runs in...

not spending it trying to figure out what to do next.

Hey! I'm Hallie Murphy

Your Run Coach & Best Fitness Friend


I understand how it feels when you lace up your sneakers for a run to not know how long you should go. 

When I ran my first race, I made rookie mistakes like not wearing the right shoe, starting out too fast, not fueling my body properly, not sleeping enough, not stretching before or after workouts and not adding in weight training.

Over the past 10 years, I have completed 3 marathons to several 10ks and everything in between and I want to have you learn from all my mistakes that I have made over the years so you don’t have to.

I know what it takes to sign up for a race and train for 20 weeks to run 26.2 miles and cross the finish line feeling accomplished and I'm here to help you achieve the same.

I created 10k Your Way for YOU


10k Your Way is a 6-week group training program that will get you ready to cross the finish line with confidence while staying injury free. 


This program will have you confidently running 6.2 miles in just 6 weeks with a professional trainer and group of like-minded women cheering you on every step of the way. 

By the end of this 6-week program you will...


šŸ’Æ Have all the tools needed for you to feel confident in your training to have an amazing race if it’s your first time or tenth time. 

šŸ’Æ Have a routine that gets you excited and is flexibly designed to fit into your schedule. 

šŸ’Æ Feel stronger in your runs by knowing that each run has a purpose in your plan and having built up muscle during your cross training strength training workouts.

šŸ’Æ Be more rested and ready to crush your next workout by adding in rest days, recovery techniques, and focusing on getting enough sleep.

šŸ’Æ Know how to fuel your body with proper nutrition to push you through every workouts and help aid in recovery.

Peep the week-by-week breakdown šŸ‘€

Week 1: Training Foundations

  • Understanding the run and running with purpose
  • Introduction to types of runs: easy, tempo, speed and long run
  • Suggestions on what to eat before, during and after a run
  • How to stay hydrated
  • What type of gear you need

Week 2-3: Running Basics

  • Diving deeper into easy runs, speedwork and long runs 
  • Training effort and what that means for you
  • Correct running form
  • Must-have running gear
  • Breathing techniques
  • Rest and recovery tips

Week 4-5: Building Speed & Endurance

  • Increasing your long run distance by 10% each week
  • Compare your speedwork times to week 1 vs week 4
  • Discuss how nutrition and sleep affect the runs
  • Introducing progressive overload

Week 6: Race Week

  • The taper process: cutting back miles before race to have fresh legs
  • What to do before the race: get bib, gear and prep
  • What to eat before race day
  • How much water to drink before the race
  • Race strategies
  • Course review
  • Getting to the starting line
  • After party celebrations

What's waiting for you inside the program šŸ™Œ

Easy-To-Follow Training Plan

Training plan for all 6 weeks includes 3-4 runs, 1-2 full body strength workouts, rest days, recovery techniques, plus other fitness, running, and nutrition tips along the way.

Weekly 1:1 Calls

Weekly calls with me to discuss how training is going and make adjustments to training to make it more individualized.

Private Facebook Group

Connect with like-minded women all training for a race and ready to cheer each other on to achieve their goals.

Don't let another training session pass you by before race day


I understand how training for race can feel, especially if it's your first time and you’re not sure where to start.

That’s why I’m here to be your biggest cheerleader along the way and so you don’t have to make the mistakes that I did.


You should be spending your time running and having fun while doing it...

not scrolling the internet on what distance and pace you should be running at.